THE BOOK OF JOSEPH Using the words of Popes, Saints, and approved mystics, The Book of Joseph aims to dispel the common belief held by many that nothing is known about the saint other than what is mentioned briefly in the Bible. This work, which has been granted the Imprimatur, presents the life of St. Joseph beginning with the faithful prayers of his parents to conceive a son to his birth and childhood, harassment by the devil, his marriage to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the birth and life with Christ, through to the circumstances of his death and his glorification in Heaven.
In addition to the theory of the assumption of St. Joseph, his sanctification in the womb and perpetual virginity are discussed. The book concludes with a series of prayers and devotions, including the Holy Cloak and Chaplet of St. Joseph. There are also sections on feast days, relics, approved St. Joseph apparitions, as well as many works of art.

THE BOOK OF JOSEPH Special Expanded Full Colour Edition Using the words of Popes, Saints, and approved mystics, The Book of Joseph aims to dispel the common belief held by many that nothing is known about the saint other than what is mentioned briefly in the Bible. This work, which has been granted the Imprimatur, presents the life of St. Joseph beginning with the faithful prayers of his parents to conceive a son to his birth and childhood, harassment by the devil, his marriage to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the birth and life with Christ, through to the circumstances of his death and his glorification in Heaven. In addition to the theory of the assumption of St. Joseph, his sanctification in the womb and perpetual virginity are discussed. The book concludes with a series of prayers and devotions, including the Holy Cloak and Chaplet of St. Joseph.
There are also sections on the Chaste Heart of St. Joseph, feast days, relics, approved St. Joseph apparitions, Sacramentals, St. Joseph shrines, as well as many works of art throughout the book.

O LIVRO DE JOSE Utilizando-se das palavras de papas, santos e místicos aprovados, “O Livro de José” tem por objetivo derrubar a crença comum a muitos de que nada se sabe a respeito deste santo além do que é brevemente mencionado na Bíblia. Esta obra, à qual foi concedida o Imprimatur, apresenta a vida de São José a começar com as orações ardentes de seus pais a fim de conceberem um filho, passando a narrar então seu nascimento e infância, assédios do diabo, seu casamento com a Bem-aventurada Virgem Maria, o nascimento de Cristo e a convivência com Ele e as circunstâncias de sua morte e glorificação no Céu. Além da teoria que trata da assunção de São José, também se discute sua santificação no ventre materno e sua virgindade perpétua. O livro conclui com uma série de orações, devoções, aparições, relíquias, obras de arte e muito mais.

EL LIBRO DE SAN JOSE Usando las palabras de distintos Papas, santos y místicos reconocidos, El Libro de José presenta la vida de San José, comenzando con las devotas oraciones de sus padres para concebir un hijo y que recorre desde su nacimiento e infancia, el acoso que sufrió por parte del diablo, su matrimonio con la Santísima Virgen María, el nacimiento y la vida con Cristo, así como las circunstancias de su muerte y glorificación en el Cielo. Además, se trata también la teoría de la asunción de San José, su santificación en el vientre, así como su virginidad perpetua.

EL LIBRO DE SAN JOSE (Portada alternativo)
Usando las palabras de distintos Papas, santos y místicos reconocidos, El Libro de José presenta la vida de San José, comenzando con las devotas oraciones de sus padres para concebir un hijo y que recorre desde su nacimiento e infancia, el acoso que sufrió por parte del diablo, su matrimonio con la Santísima Virgen María, el nacimiento y la vida con Cristo, así como las circunstancias de su muerte y glorificación en el Cielo. Además, se trata también la teoría de la asunción de San José, su santificación en el vientre, así como su virginidad perpetua.

ST. JOSEPH: MESSAGES OF THE HEART As far as visitations or apparitions of St. Joseph are concerned, they are far and few between – especially when compared to those of Christ or the Blessed Virgin Mary. When it comes to discerning these apparitions, the Church performs lengthy and exhaustive investigations, taking great pains to determine authenticity. The purpose of this book is to present, quite simply and directly, the stories of St. Joseph’s apparitions throughout history and his messages for the world.

TO THEE O BLESSED JOSEPH: DEVOTIONS AND PRAYERS TO THE VIRGIN FATHER OF CHRIST This booklet includes the following devotions and prayers with which you can venerate St. Joseph: Holy Cloak Devotion, Akathist Hymn to St. Joseph the Betrothed, Seven Sorrows and Joys of St. Joseph, Chaplet of St Joseph, The Little Office of St. Joseph, Thirty Days' Prayer, and many others!
Pope Benedict XV, Bonum Sane 25 July 1920: We, full of confidence in the patronage of the one to whose provident supervision God was pleased to entrust the custody of His only-begotten Incarnate Son, and the Virgin Mother of God, earnestly exhort all the faithful, ... in time so turbulent for Christianity, to pray with greater commitment for the valuable help of St. Joseph. And since there are several ways you can venerate the Holy Patriarch, especially every Wednesday ... We want for everyone to heed this request - that all these devotions, as much as possible, are practised

SALVE SAN JOSÉ: ORACIONES AL PADRE VIRGINAL DE CRISTO Este folleto incluye las siguientes devociones y oraciones con las que se puede venerar a San José: Devoción Capa Santa, Siete Dolores y Gozos de San José, Rosario de San José, El Oficio Parvo de San José, Oración de los Treinta Días, y muchos ¡otros!
Papa Benedicto XV, Bonum Sane 25 de julio de 1920: Nosotros, llenos de confianza en el patrocinio de aquel a cuya providente supervisión Dios se alegró de confiar la custodia de su Hijo unigénito encarnado, y de la Virgen Madre de Dios, fervientemente Exhortamos a todos los (fieles) del mundo católico que, en tiempos tan convulsos para el cristianismo, a rezar con mayor empeño para obtener la valiosa ayuda de San José. Y dado que hay varias formas de venerar al Santo Patriarca, especialmente todos los miércoles, pedimos que se atienda esta petición, que la devoción a San José, en la medida de lo posible, se practique en todas las diócesis.

ANG AKLAT NI SAN JOSE Gamit ang mga salita ng mga Santo Papa, Santo at Santa, at mga kinikilala ng simbahan na mga taong nakatanggap ng mga pangitain (mystics), ANG AKLAT NI SAN JOSE ay naghahandog ng paglalahad ng buhay ni San Jose ng Nazaret simula sa taimtim na panalangin ng kanyang mga magulang sa kanyang pagdating hanggang sa pagdadala sa kanyang kaluluwa sa langit. Sa aklat ding ito, inilahad ang mga pangyayari sa kabataan ni San Jose, ang panggugulo sa kanya ng demonyo, ang kanyang pagpapakasal sa Mahal na Birheng Maria, ang kapanganakan ni Kristo, ang buhay ng Banal na Pamilya sa Ehipto, ang mga pangyayari sa kamatayan ni San Jose, ang kanyang mga huling salita at pangitain, at ang maaaring pag-akyat sa langit ng kanyang katawan at kaluluwa.

JOURNEY WITH JOSEPH by John D. Lewis This book is the perfect gift to help you personally encounter the greatest saint after Mary! Discover why so many Saints – Teresa of Avila, Padre Pio, Francis de Sales, and many more – thought of Joseph as a “secret weapon” of the spiritual life. Try it! “Put what I say to the test,” says St. Teresa about devotion to St. Joseph! Fall in love with Joseph, and through him, fall more deeply in love with Jesus and Mary. This book is a beautiful, daily St. Joseph retreat.

THE DIARIES OF JOSEPH AND MARY by Dennis P. McGeehan The lives of Joseph, Mary, and Jesus as envisioned by the Early Church Fathers and by Mystics and Visionaries are presented here in the form of a diary that Joseph and Mary might have kept. Based on stories well-known and even preached upon during the Early Church, the events of the Nativity are illuminated and give a more intimate look into the events that changed history forever. Nothing contained in Scripture is changed, rather, the opinions reached by the ancient voices on matters where Scripture is silent are offered for prayerful consideration.

JOSEPH THE SILENT by Michel Gasnier The Gospels tell us almost nothing about St. Joseph, yet his life is full of spiritual treasures. Michel Gasnier O.P., here shows you where to find them and how they can enrich your own relationship with God. In this series of brief meditations he explores St. Joseph's work as a carpenter, his marriage, his character, the flight into Egypt, his return to Nazareth, Simeon's prophecy, and more. He gives you an enlightening portrait of this man who remains one of the Church's most extraordinary saints and intercessors.